RCLS 2010 feedback

100 plus full-time campus missionaries gathered once more for a week of strategic planning.

Every year all the campus leaders from the campuses where we minister descend to a central place to touch-base, plan the next year and get a time of refreshing before the next year. It’s here where initiatives like Campus Harvest are birthed.

This year campus missionaries from 3 nations representing 29 campuses came over. It is so incredible to see leaders from different cultures, races & backgrounds united in Christ to make a difference year after year on the campuses of our continent.


Our campus ministries have grown to a point where currently we reach 6236 students!

And this is just the beginning.

In the last two years we have grown from 24 campuses reaching 5,284 students to now being established on 29 campuses reaching 6236 students.  Though this is a significant growth, we still feel called not to relax but to reach all students on the campuses with the gospel raising godly leaders across Africa and the world.

Some of the highlights:

  • The vision for Campus Harvest 2011 was conceived.
  • Workshops on leadership, addressing ancestorlism, addressing students exclusions, responding to homosexuality on the campuses and building a united church through setting an example by  living it.


To see more pictures, click here: http://photohumphrey.blogspot.com/2010/12/rcls-2010-in-pictures.html

HP Cape Town staff year end

Year end function for all the cape town office staff.

30 Nov 2010 – I was blessed to be asked to MC the year end function where some staff were also recognised for long service. One of the recognition awards went to Vanessa Gillian who’s been an office staff member for 20 years and is also the first staff member.

HP Year end
Ron and Bev Collage

Here Ps Ron & Bev Mallory are being recognised for 50 years in children’s ministries! 50 years!

RCLS 2010: Dealing with student exclusions from universities

Hopewell Mbuyisa giving us tools of how to minister to students that get academically and financially excluded from tertiary institutions.

At times there's more to it than academics n finances. It could be problems at home, irresponsibility or other pressures. How do we as a church respond timely before students get excluded and how do we respond after it's happened. These are some of the things that were addressed.

RCLS 2010: worship

Yehhh RCLS has come!

This is whe I met most of the campus ministers in the Every Nation/His People churches because @ RCLS all full-time campus ministeres meet for a week of strategic planning and input for the next year.

I'm so excited to be involved with the worship team with guys from across the country.

RCLS 2010 in tweets

Tweet updates from this year’s Campus leaders summit in Durban.

MPD training Cape Town

More campus ministers choosing to do full-time ministry in the Western Cape.

From 11 to 18 November we ran another ministry partnership training for 8 people based in the western cape and KOREA (wow!) to impart some tools and the heart of ministry partnership.

Jessica is (in the white Roxy shirt) is based in Korea and she came all the way from Korea for this training!

CPT November

We look forward to hearing testimonies from their ministry as they set out!CPT November 2

A new ministry season

Just married and looking forward to doing ministry with my wife!

Chinelle & I just got married, on 23 October 2010! Yeahhhhh!! It’s so exciting also because we share the same heart for reaching students on university campuses with the gospel, and so I’m looking forward to ‘working’ with my wife.

More and more I’m seeing how God’s grace on our lives is for His glory, and that He has a plan for us and a destiny for us as a unit.

I’m just humbled and happy to have the girl of my dreams :)


Bloemfontein Training in pictures

Some pictures from the first 2 days.

Riaan Botha (Rustenburg) opening the training.
Pieter Coffee
Ps Pieter Coffee inspiring and challenging
In session
Me in session
Alan and Nieleen (PTA) engaging.
Ronny & Lwela (JHB) engaging
Super Ronny (Cape Town) preparing for day 3

Bloemfontein Ministry Partnership Training

The week so far  - giving training in Bloemfontein

13 leaders from Bloem, Rustenburg, Cape Town, Johannesburg and Lesotho came for a week long training on ministry partnership for their various ministries! It’s so amazing & humbling to see how people leave other dreams behind in order to take up their call to go and reach campus students, youth and plant churches on a full-time basis!

training Day 2 of 4

All of us are called to ‘go’ in different ways (some to business, some to teaching, nursing, etc.) and all these need to be used to reach the whole world with the gospel on Christ.

“The harvest is plentiful...” (Luke 10:2)

The youth are waiting; the college students and communities are waiting to be reached.

ps: be sure to check out some photos of day 1 & 2 here :)

Baxter Training Day - October

Preparing for the training day on Saturday

“Love the Lord your God with with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” Matthew 32:37-38. We, as the Baxter, felt God say to us that for us to fulfil this command, it boils down to: Loving God, loving people, making disciples & transforming society.

And, a way to strategically equip the students we minister to we classified all we do as Be Connected, Be Established & Be the Difference ie be connected to God and to each other, be established in the Word, and actively seek to be the difference in society. Everything we do in campus ministry falls in our of these categories and aims to directly fulfil the greatest command given by Christ.

As part of ‘Be the Difference’ on Saturday we are having another training day  focusing on missions, councelling (altar & follow up) and discipleship.

I’m humbled to be sharing/teaching 1 of the 3 discipleship sessions to bring a biblical meaning of what it means to be a disciple, why it’s important and how we can live it. It’s an area I’m also constantly learning in my own life to rely on God to live it  only through the power of the Holy Spirit for “it’s not by might nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord.” Zech 4:6

Be filled and continue to be filled

My experience of the Holy Spirit seminary we had at UCT on 18 September 2010


Jacques Oberholzer & Steve Haines came in from Graham’s Town to impart to our students from UCT, CPUT & surrounding Southern Suburbs campuses on the Holy Spirit.


In the first session of two, they taught on the Holy Spirit and His role in our lives. They then prayed for people who had never been baptized in the Holy Spirit as done in Acts 19:1-7.

In the second session, after God had set hearts on fire with His love groups of students went out to Rondebosch for an outreach. This outreach was different: in this one the guys met before going out and asked God to reveal to them specific people He;d like them to go minister to.

Treasure Hunting:

So they’d ask God to reveal what the person is wearing, where the person is and if there’s something specific god wants to say to that person. Hehehe scary! This by default leads us to trust wholly on God’s revelation because we can’t manufacture this in our our ability..

When the team returned it was incredible to hear how they met individuals that matched the physical outline they had and when they approached those people to share God’s word to them people were amazed at how accurate the words were. It was words that spoke into specific areas of their lives. People were blessed and felt hand-picked by God to receive from Him.


The team would then offer to pray for the individual or ask if they know God and have received Christ. Some would receive prayer right there on the road while some were shy, in the end we’ve seen that when we respond to God to “go” for with Him and only go with an agenda to love people, people get blessed.


My Side:
I went to this second session, but arrived 10 minutes late this time as I was delayed by two other guys I went to pick up. When we arrived, the outreach team had left but we didn’t know this. We found people there preparing to pray and we thought “OK, after the prayer we’re all going out for the outreach.”

The prayer was what we’ve termed ‘soaking’, it’s simply waiting on God to reveal Himself. Many times we go to God with many words of praise and requests, soaking is listening and receiving from Him.

Waiting on Him

As we waited on Him I had such an expectation to encounter Him and it soon became clear that God had an agenda of His own for me... I can only sum up my experience as: for the entire duration of the soak God flooded me with revelation after revelation of His character, His love for me & for us. It was like minute after minute as I sat at His feet I’d realise that “Wow, this God loves us, He totally adores us! For example, I felt that  He gave us the 5 senses and


every time  we touch something it’s like He’s saying:

“Did you feel that? I gave you touch so you can know me.
Did you feel that? I gave you love so you can imagine how the inventor of love is.
Did you feel that? Did you see that, Can you hear Me?”

 Revelation flood

More than revelation I experienced His love like I’d never had before. I experienced His love as THE lover of my soul. To put in plain terms it was like feeling and knowing love/intimacy from one’s lover but this time experiencing it from the inventor of love Himself. I remember trying to explain to the guys there and the only words I could come up with to explain (un-manly as this sounds) is that I felt romanced by God.


Since then my daily experience of God has changed, it’s deeper & more real, hour to hour I anticipate Him and desire connection with Him in a new way. I feel like He keeps giving me pieces of Himself for me but this also simultaneously enables me to impart to others through the Spirit.


I think through this experience, God was saying: “If you allow Me I’ll reveal Myself. It doesn’t matter where you are in life or where you’ve been. I am God. Give me an ear and I’ll speak.” And, it’s the revelation of God, it’s the revelation of God’s word that makes salvation alive in us. It’s not what we do for Him - “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." Ephesians 2:8-9


While His revelation-flood was happening to me I felt to freeze some moments in pictures as worship to Him without making anyone there self-conscious of their Holy Spirit encounter. I hope they minister to you too: http://photohumphrey.blogspot.com/2010/09/scenes-from-floor.html

Psalm 19:1-3
"1. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.
3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard."

Looking far ahead

Yesterday was one of those busy days- I know it because I didn't get a chance to eat lunch and for the rest of the evening I had to endure severe tummy cramps. Am I the only that gets hectic stomach aches when you don't eat at regular intervals?

I saw a video that pastor Pete's family did for his 10th wedding anniversary as a surprise for him. They put together old pics of him & his wife & made a video clip. Besides it being funny, the one thing that stood out was how him & his wife have fun. I mean I know it's not always perfect & fun with 3 kids, but still there's lots of pics of them doing outrageous things together. Most of the fun stuff they do seems 2 be at home - having dress up parties with the kids, painting their faces, etc. He also still says how he & his wife still maintain 2 have regular date nights. Ps Pete

I hope I don't get so busy that I can't be disturbed by my wife or kids 2 have random fun even after 10 years of marriage.

The Merovingian character in Matrix II asked Neo & Morpheus this question rhetorically: "But then if we don't ever take time how can we ever have time?"

Hello World!

I’ve just seen my blog stats for the first time! Wow, someone in Japan saw my blog!! Konnichiwa to you :)

Blog-view stats from my personal blog: humshkin.blogspot.com Stats
Blog-view stats from this blog: humphreybande.blogspot.com Stats 2

Hmm suddenly it feels like the world is a small place!
Well, Hello world :) and  here’s to living it out  for God!


Campus Harvest 2010 in Pictures

I don't think I knew exactly what to expect when 1500 students arrived!

I was blessed to have a friend of mine’s camera to take these shots & be the un-official Campus Harvest photographer…thanks Miemie :)

Just Arrived!


Euphoria as we get into the main tent! (i’m in the bottom left picture wearing a brown jersey with stripes)

 Just Arrived!Praise & Worship

Ps Frans Olivier welcomes everyone.


The worship was deep as we all cried out to God that we may live for Him

1500 Students b 1500 Students WorshipP1120410  

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   Pastors such as Rice Broocks (below) were there to bring  the word of the Lord.

Ps Rice Broocks is the co-founder of Every Nation ministries that His People belongs to. It’s one thing having good programs and speakers, but to sit there and hear the prophetic word of God for the campus and seeing hundreds respond to God’s call was just too amazing.

Rice Broocks 2Another key speaker was Gordon Dalbey who is like a father in the faith. His word brought such healing to many there.  IMG_2656


Many people received physical body healing after Ps Themba Malaba of the Joburg church came on stage and prayed for healing .


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God’s power was again evident when students laid hands on a man who was paralyzed waist down from a car accident, we saw him take his first steps!! We are trusting God that he’ll receive complete healing.

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Fun times

We had a variety show where guys just let rip their talents for God! From songs, dancing, hip-hop, ballet to drama to poetry it's a joy to find freedom to be oneself in the house of God.

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The theme of the camp was: A generation outrageously devoted to God. And, this was true – part of spending a weekend with students from across the continent who are passionate about God  just helps paint the picture that Campus Ministry’s reach is far beyond what we can imagine! Thousands of families represented here are being blessed by what God started or confirmed during this Holy Spirit filled encounter.



I posted more pictures on my Facebook profile here: Album 1 and Album 2