Cell @ Leo Marquad

It’s 12AM & I’ve just returned from a connect group meeting at Leo Marquad UCT res.

These guys are n fire for God – the cell meeting starts at 22h00! I’m so thankful for my wife who let’s me or rather sends me to the campus to invest in men’s lives. I find nothing more fulfilling in God than to take what He has revealed to me and transferring it to someone else as He enables me to live what I teach.


It’s a life of faith. Everyday I rely on Him to help me be the man he calls me to be and while at the same time stepping out by faith to do what He asks of me in HIs word. Ps Andrew Hunter recently said that if salvation was just for me to get to heaven then God would have taken me straight to heaven immediately after getting saved. So the fact that we’re still here after getting saved shows that it’s for more than just us…

I’m grateful for the privilege of opening up my life to other men sharing what little I have learned and having a platform to impact someone’s values. Humbling..

Evangelism is not just relationship

This is the heading of one of Rice Broock’s blog posts where he writes about the role or significance of relationship regarding evangelism.

I loved it so much I thought I’d share it here too. This is taken straight from his blog post written on 21 June 2011:

“You don’t have to know a drowning person to save their life.”

There has been enormous emphasis placed on the need for relationship with people as the prerequisite for evangelism. So much so that some go as far as saying that relationship with others should be the only motive and not the hidden agenda of evangelism.


Ps Rice Broocks 

“This seems to be the word of the hour. I spoke to church planters who had not succeeded in their efforts to launch a ministry. As I dug deeper it became apparent that they made a lot of friends and very few disciples. In fact they admitted, they rarely got to the Gospel. “We focused on building relationships first.”

So here’s the question: how soon should the Gospel be introduced in a relationship with someone?

Looking at the ministry of Jesus, many times He spoke directly to people in their first encounter:

  • The woman at the well
  • Nicodemus
  • Legion - He cast the devil out of him during their first meeting.  Jesus called people to follow Him with no relationship at all.  (It doesn't appear that He even had introduced Himself fully yet.)

Paul had a similar pattern in his witness.

He preached immediately after his salvation.

He was beaten and suffered as a result.

He confronted strangers in Athens, in Macedonia, in much of what was recorded in Acts.

I believe that the Gospel comes sooner in biblical examples of witness not later. For me, the Gospel has actually produced authentic, lasting relationships with others.

Things to remember:

Preaching the Gospel takes boldness.

The Spirit must fill us with His passion and power. If we are honest, our reluctance to preach the Gospel may just be a case of being a man pleaser or being ashamed of the Gospel.

Preaching produces persecution.

It’s much easier to say nothing. If the Apostles would have only done community service or waited on tables they would not have been persecuted as severely. If they hated Him they will hate us. We are an aroma of life to the saved and an aroma of death to those who are perishing.

Preaching the Gospel produces faith.

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. No preaching means no faith. In order for them to believe they are going to have to hear the Gospel.

I certainly believe building relationships is important.

Many times it takes a number of hearings of the Gospel to be saved. I also believe there is wisdom in knowing when we should speak to people about Christ and how we can maximize the impact of our witness.

Ps Rice at the University of Cape Town, 2011

Someone recently told me “We must earn the right to be heard.” As I pondered this statement, something didn’t sit right with me. As much as I tried to understand what he really meant I couldn’t help but think that according to the Scripture, Jesus earned that right for me as well. We preach in the authority and righteousness He earned through His life and death.

In fact if a person’s eternal soul is at stake then we should have some sense of urgency in our efforts. Remember, you don’t have to know a drowning person to save their life.

Ps Rice Broocks is the co-founder of the Every Nation Ministries, which currently has over 400 churches and outreaches in fifty nations. He is also the senior minister of Bethel World Outreach Center in Nashville, Tennessee, where he provides oversight for this multi-congregational church meeting in five different locations.
The original post cane be found on Ps Rice Broocks’ blog here

Campus Harvest 2011 is here!

The theme this year is Let’s go! God is calling us to go to the throne room, to go to the campuses and to go to the nations!

This past weekend the 1st of two Campus Harvest events took place in Joburg, here’s a video with scenes from the Joburg event:

Campus Harvest

This coming Saturday, Campus Harvest is coming to Cape Town.

We’re expecting 750 students to come through for this all day event.

Let’s Go!

School of Campus Ministry–video

Every year our school of campus ministry trains people who feel called by God into full time ministry to specifically work with students on the college and university campuses.

Watch this small video telling more about what the school does:

We firmly believe God has called us to this specific mission field to reach students with the gospel so that when they leave the campus they would have had a real encounter with God and go and be the difference in the business world and in the communities.

It was very cool for me lending a helping hand by offering my voice for this video!

Prophetic Scenes at Prayer Meeting–video

On Friday, 5 August we had our monthly prayer meeting on UCT campus, and during the meeting, people were encouraged to write down things they were trusting God for breakthrough and things that have been a burden on their lives. At the end of the prayer meeting we chucked those papers in a container and set them alight as an act of faith that we cast our burdens unto God.

it was awesome to see how many people experienced victory through that act of faith and one could feel the lightness in the room that God had done something.