Training Day


4 young men from Humphrey’s connect group at Marquard res joined in on the Connect Group Leaders training, along with over 15 others from other residences & non-student community groups!

Equipping others to take the lead is such an adventure!  Creating a platform for them to take chances, to be launched into leadership.  We’re looking forward to the fruit from these guys lives, they have such a heart to grow in God & walk with others.

Victory Weekend!

We had over 100 students doing Victory Weekend!  I absolutely love seeing God bringing freedom to captive souls!  His redemptive work is lasting, beyond generations! 

I had the privilege of talking on freedom from sexual sin.  Afterwards, a few girls came to talk to me about what they’re facing.  Praying with them, they’d just start to cry as God brings deliverance & a fresh definition to their identity in Him.

The general, afternoon prayer session was ended with a Great Shout of Victory!  You could feel the walls coming down in the spirit!  It reminded me of when the Israelites were walking around Jericho & with a great shout, the walls came down! 



One of the girls in my cell, Tendai, posted the next morning on facebook: ‘I literally looked in the mirror and literally saw a brand a new person. I AM FREE. God's power can set you free! of any sin... Praise God!!!’

Pics from our support trip to HP Grahamstown


As the Ministry Partnership office, part of our job is to help provide support to all the churches where campus ministers and missionaries are supported through Ministry Partnership.

Jason & I spent a day with the team assisting them.


We’re ensuring there is sufficient support in place for the current staff and for future campus ministers.



We’re taking back the campus

At our March monthly prayer at UCT campus we ended it by walking around the campus praying for the faculties, the campus leaders and students and prophesying over the campus and the nations represented.


So we slipt up into smaller groups and walked towards the various faculties declaring God’s will. Below here I’m with a group that was assigned the economics, law and arts faculties.


We ended the prayer walk in the middle of the campus on the famous Jammie steps and the students started shouting “Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!”. We really believe this was a prophetic act of inviting Christ on to the campus and declaring His lordship over it.


Watch the video here: