This year's really started with a bang and hasn't slowed (slown\ slowen\ slewn) down since!
At the end of last year Andrew (me boss) and I started development of websites that would serve our His People movement nationally - linking calendars, sharing resources and pretty much putting an entire communication strategy in place together with the database systems we've written.
That's been hyper exciting but the work hours are too shamefull to mention :)
I'll say again: To discover one's passion and be able to exspress it or work in that field is an immense blessing. I thank God that part of His mission to help us discover what He's given us so we can serve & worship Him with it. | |
Since mentioning to the church leadership about my desire for campus, I've done the Ministry Partnership training ad got sooo fired up for campus ministry!
I'm busy raising my team as preparation before launching fully on campus!
I've joined Andrew's men's if you know Andrew Hunter you'll know that he is a faith machine! Everyime we meet you leave there thinking
"man our God is big!" | |
I haven't had a chance to go home sonce Nov last year, but i've booked my ticket now and am flying home on 22 Feb.
Will also attend a Myles David 4 day conference while i'm there. |
All team members have returned from home and we're up and running! Band's been more than just about music but about getting in people's lives and sharing your life with them. Leading worship on Sundays is like an extra bonus in who we are or strive to be for one another!
I'm secretely learning piano (oh shucks not a secret any more now is it..?)
The aim is to learn piano so I can be a better bassist. Ish but now i'm loving it so much there's an epic battle between the keyboard and the bass that at times I return from work and find keys missing from the piano, strings totally out of tune from the bass it's intense! |  |
Wedding bells?
Yup, the tempo has picked up here too!
- searched for venues,
- cried about the prices (of course i didn't like cry really..),
- narrowed down to 4 nice venues, and
- looked for rings.
The final outcome....? We need God's grace for this to happen. It's purely not financially feasible to make this happen, but we're applying our faith saying "it was never within our strength anyway to make these things happen." |
Embarrasingly I've only been there once this year...
In Jan 20009 my summer motto was: "if it's 26 degrees or higher on a weekend, I'll be at the beach!"
But, ya a few of my friends have hammered me for my two thousand and packed year, so even during this business (during, whille, whilst...) I'm gonna make time to slow down and go to the Beach... |
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