Fearless Hospital Mission

Daily hospital missions to Groote Schuur Hospital in Observatory
This week Linda Mlotshwa (a medical student at UCT) is leading a team for anyone who is keen to go into Groote Schuur Hospital to visit patients just to be there for them and pray for them. We are trusting God to minister God’s love to many and for opportunities to share the gospel.
Groote Schuur Hospital
“A lot of the times the patients are there alone for many days, just being there with them can do so much in their lives.” – Linda
For anyone interested to be part:
Dates: Monday 28th to Thursday 31 March 2011)
Time: Monday: 18h00 - 20h00
Tuesday – Thursday: 18h30 - 20h00.
Meeting place: UCT Health Sciences Campus/Medical School in Conference Room 1&2.
As you enter Medical School ask the security at the front desk and they will direct you.
Contact: Linda 073 647 8983

Map to Groote Schuur (Click image for bigger view):
GSH map

1st God Test Testimony

On Friday I used the God test to someone I didn’t know for the first time as we did an outreach in Rondebosch.

The God test is simply 20 questions about God and faith that are geared to help us get into conversation with people when we evangelise - 10 for people who don’t believe in God completely and 10 for people who believe in God or a god. So I walked up to this gentleman and told him who I am and that we’re from His People Baxter just walking around Rondebosch telling people about God’s love for them.

God test

I then asked him if he believes in God to which he said yes. Then I showed him the God Test pamphlet and said: “check this out, this is something we developed our church to help you understand what you believe. It’s just 10 questions like the one I just asked you, would you like to try it out?” He said “yes” and I then asked him the God Test questions (which asked his thoughts on God, heaven, entry to heaven, etc.) and by the time we got to question 9 “Would you like to know what the bible says about these questions?” he was very interested to hear because the 8 previous questions helped him discover the inconsistencies in what he himself believed.

In answering question 9 I shared the gospel with him explaining salvation and lordship to which he said: “I want to receive Christ, what do we do now?” and I helped him accept Jesus as Lord and savior.

It’s such a privilege to partner with God as He reaches for His people, and the God Test really is a helpful tool in that by merely asking key questions and just listening to the person and hearing them out it can earn you the opportunity to share the gospel.  The God Test uses SALT: Start a conversation, Ask lots of questions, Listen carefully and Tell God’s story.


“Every time anyone meets a person for the first time, in their heart they want to know ‘Is this person genuine? Is he really listening to me? Am I heard?” - Rice Broocks

More on the outreach here.

Fearless Friday – Outreach 1

On Friday 25 March 2011 20 of us went into the Rondebosch community for an outreach

The agenda was simple – go out and minister God’s love to people. We prayed up asking God to reveal to us in prayer the people He wanted us to reach are, where they are, what they might be wearing and what their need is. We call it  treasure hunting.
We also went to evangelise  using the God test (you can read what the God test is here.


Team 3

The testimonies were amazing: many people were open to  hear us and do the God test and  manywere open to be prayed for, and we had one guy  invite Christ into his heart & life! We’re trusting God that our lifestyle will be characterised by us being in tune with God all the time and ready and available to share the gospel any time. My personal testimony is here.

Team 2

The First Fearless Friday!

Fearless Friday

This year’s heart/vision for the year on campus is FEARLESS!

Eph 6:19-20 says “Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

So, starting this Friday Fearless Friday is about evangelising. We will be prayerfully going out to our neighbourhood to reach people. Prayerfully because we’re trusting that God will show us the people to reach and perhaps give us a word of knowledge for them & share the gospel with.

Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

(update: read the testimony here)

Welcoming new worship team members

Busy but amazing weekend!

It started on Sunday when I got to share the offering message at church for the first time!

To sum up the experience it was: scary & exciting at the same time. I’ve always revered the act of addressing the congregation. I mean not that some ministries are more special than others but different expressions carry different weight.


Then, on Monday we (worship ministry) had a social/training session welcoming all the people who joined the worship ministry for the first time.  I was asked to speak on a Lifestyle of Worship.  This meant addressing all aspects of our lives as believers that our lives themselves should be worship to God and that praise and worship at church is one aspect of worship.
Worship Minsitry 

There were also workshops on the heart of worship by Melina & William and Sharon did a workshop on presentation sharing the reasons why & the heart  behind our need to be presentable, have a code and adhere to it because of the people we minister to.

Mena & Will

Melina and William talking about the heart of worship.

We then had worship together and there was such a sense of God’s presence in the room as we prayed for the new guys and speaking into their lives and prophesying over them. Greater things are yet to come!

Residence Connect Groups Take Off!

In February after having our HP Live concert and first year student service we invited all students who are not part of connect groups (cell groups) to sign up. We share the importance and significance of being part of a community of people who share the same values and who can build one another up as we grow in God.
More than 200 students signed up!
We’ve been working to ensure that each and everyone of those students get placed into a connect group in their residence or area of stay.
Tonight (Thursday, 17 March) we got men from 3 residences (College House, Marquad & Smuts Hall) to meet at the College House Residence. Michael Cole who heads up the cell at College asked Ps Andrew Hunter to come speak to the mean about purity.
Men Connect groups
Incredible to see how these guys are hungry for God; hungry to be godly men & live pure lives. This year I’m connecting with the Marquad Res guys to establish the cell there.  

Leaders Training Day – Feb 2011

On 5 March 2011 we held our first leader’s training day.

About 30 people  came to  be trained in:
  - How to lead a  connect group (or cell group)
  - How to minister in and lead children’s  church 
  - Impact Training - Formulating & implementing an evangelism strategy in & through a connect group.

Impact Training 

Mthi Children's ministry 

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38

Impact Training 2

HP Live – Fusion

13 Feb 2011: Our first HP Live, called Fusion because we did a joint event with students from UCT and CPUT. What as awesome night it was of music & dance. Just students going crazy for God.

HP Live 1

Once of the guys we had the (top right of the picture below) is Larry Joe who shared how he met the Lord while serving a sentence in prison. While in prison he learned how to play piano and guitar. He is now out of prison and has a music CD out and he goes around sharing what God did for him. An incredible story of God’s love and grace!

HP Live 2