Groote Schuur Outreach testimony

Between 28 march & 1 April about 20 to 30 students from UCT & CPUT went into Groote Schuur to do a mission.

The aim was to bring God’s love & healing to people in need. The gospel was shared to many and we believe seeds were sown in people’s hearts – 2 people gave their lives to Christ on the first night. Some of the testimonies include a person who had been in hospital for days was prayed for and got discharged the next day, we believe it was as a result of the students that prayed for him. There was a big change in the atmosphere in the hospital with many patients feeling loved and encouraged & experiencing joy in their circumstance.

One of the testimonies:

“While we were walking in the passage called Hospital Street, I saw a patient walking slowly..we decided to talk to him. He was very lonely, no one had come to visit him. His name is Donavan, from Mannenburg. He is at the hospital for surgery as he has some liver problems.

“He was struggling to walk as a result. Sno, a student who was with me, asked him if she could pray for him..after praying, he got teary and then said the pain was gone.

He walked without any pain to his ward, he was in tears the whole time. He said to us, 'I've heard about Jesus, but I don't know him..I want to know Jesus'. Since, he got sick, he had been crying out to God. We are going to visit him tomorrow to give him a Bible and go thru One2One. Tomorrow is a big day for Donavan, he is going for X-rays and then possibly have to go for surgery on Thurs. We are trusting for complete healing. His heart is to go to Mannenburg and tell his family and  community about what Jesus had done for him.”

HP Live: Fearless Leadership

April’s HP Live was aimed at inspiring students to recognise the significance of their lives in God’s hands and to step out fearlessly.

We invited Bevan Ducasse who is the founder and CEO of wiWallet and worship leader at our His People City Bowl church. He’s a great example in terms of Christians thriving in the business world and making a difference for God after leaving the university campus. 

He spoke to the +/-60 students about significance and how in life we can either try to survive or be successful, and that above being successful is that we can aim for significance. 


Bevan CEO of wiWallet

“Making all the money in the world doesn’t bring fulfilment. Finding your passion and calling in God is the only place where there’s fulfilment and where we can make a significance for the kingdom of God.”


What will make us step out fearlessly for God is when we understand our significance in Him. When we recognise that God wants us to worship Him with al we are it puts our current struggles in context – suddenly we realise that these seemingly long 3/4 years on university is training ground and God is preparing us for the next  season.
About Bevan & wiWallet
Bevan studied finance at the University of Stellenbosch. After having many ideas for business he finally got to a place where he had to put his faith into action.

He quit his job with only 2 months worth of income in his pocket and went about acquiring funding for his idea. Very quickly God opened the doors for him giving him favour with many businessmen and wiWallet got underway.

Today wiWallet has grown to be a company focused on innovating products that simplify life for many. Some of their products are aimed at helping domestic workers for example make payments via cellphone and for people to receive their grants electronically thus saving them time and risk of theft.


This, Bevan says, is a little of what God can do when we lay down our lives to God for Him to use us for His Kingdom.

Fanning the Flame – Campus Prayer

‘Oh! For a heart that is burdened!  Infused with a Passion to Pray!’ – Mary Booth

Campus Prayer 1 Apr Strip 1

On Friday night,1 April, we followed in Mary Booth’s footsteps, asking for burdens to be laid on our hearts.  We dove deep into Worship, asking God for every corner of the campus, the broken hearted, the unsaved.

We asked God for those who have gone astray, the compassion to love beyond ourselves, for a greater fear of the Lord, for a boldness to declare His freedom! 

Campus Prayer 1 Apr Strip 2 
We were sent out with three charges:
- Believe God when He says, ‘Revival is coming!’
- Go Deep – be His friend & seek His face
- Get Dirty – intercede, be the intercession with your life serving others with Love

Campus Prayer 1 Apr Strip 3