Eph 6 ‘19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.
Supernatural Fruitfulness - 75 people saved in 1 day
This pictures shows prople who couldn't fit into the Baxter theatre ad we had a special service to conclude our month of mission.
75 people came to the altar to give their lives to God!
Church Plant - Canada
Richard studied at UCT and was involved in the camps ministry there. 12 yrs later after leading in campus ministry there and youth ministry they're sensing God sending them there.
We just have no idea where God would use us 5 or even 10 yrs from now as we surrender to Him..
Liesbeeck – from closed doors to salvations!
This year, in Liesbeeck residence at UCT, the wardens had decided to not allow any religious societies embarking on missions in the res.
She sent out a ‘distress call’ to the rest of us, on Facebook, Twitter, email, sms, the works and a whole bunch came to help. As a result 3 guys got saved! A few more were reconnected to God – Awesome!
Well done Ntando on taking the lead on this one! God will give us every place we set out feet!
Connect group signups
February has been our month of mission - doing daily outreaches on the campuses. This past Sunday was incredible seeing first year students that we reached during the week getting connected to a church and to a connect group in their residence.
I manned the Leo Marquad sign-up table with the guys in this pic (the ladies representing the next door female residence Tugwell. |
We’ve planted a new connect group at Marquad and so far we have 13 guys!
Church Media is no boring media
Last year I helped kick off a video team at church the drive being – we need to ensure that our media is excellent and a testament of the God we serve. We minister to young people and media is the thing that speaks to them.
This past Sunday we had a meeting with the church elders brainstorming what the possibilities can be for a fully multi-media department at church. This of course excites me big time – I can’t wait to help put structures and leadership in place to ensure that we create something that will stay and make an impact in people’s lives.
Welcoming the Students back from Holidays
The year is in full swing. All the students are back – 4000 first year students have descended onto our door step – hundreds of them don’t have a relationship with God and many are here to find meaning in life on a campus where there are many voices drawing them.
Welcoming the students to church this past Sunday.
It’s our passion to reach as many as we can, telling them about God’s love for them. it’s not overrated to say we have no idea who these guys are going to be and if the can find God while on campus our hope is that they’ll go into their careers as solders for Christ.
Stats confirm that more than 80% of people give their lives to God below the age of 25!