UCT Outreach with Rice Broocks

We’ve just finished the first evening session of the God test outreach with Ps Rice Broocks

The method is easy but not simple: SALT

S – Start a conversation
A – Ask lots of questions
L – Listen Carefully
T – Tell God’s story


I learned so much watching how Ps Rice interacts with the people asking them questions and being mindful not to prove them right or wrong but talk and through dialogue help someone realise what they believe and ask themselves whether there’s grounds for what they believe.

Praise to the Lord! We’re looking forward to an explosive evening tomorrow night! We haven’t seen so many unsaved people being so open to interact and debate about God and faith. Is this the start of things to come…?


Rice Broocks UCT Outreach

What a week this has been! So jam packed including that Rice Broocks co-founder of Every Nation ministries is coming to UCT & CPUT to reach out to students with the gospel.

He’s going to do an open-mic style outreach using his SALT strategy:

- Start a conversation
- Ask Lots of questions
- Listen carefully
- Tell God’s story

Ps Rioce Broocks at our Campus Harvest student conference in 2010.

We are trusting God that many unsaved people will come and through the conversation encounter God.
On Sunday 27 February he’s going to run a training teaching guys how to evangelise using this strategy – come one come all!

Comm. Strat training @ a coffee shop!

I'm sitting with 20 peeps @ Guru coffee shop finishing up the practical side of our Communication Strategy training.

The modem @ our original venue was struck by lightning and we need internet today! So we all trekked to Guru, all got coffee to get free internet :) and here we go!
Usually takes 3 to 4 hrs, here's to persistence & perseverance!

Ministry Partnership Training - JHB

In Jo’burg currently for a week giving training on doing ministry through support of others.

Joburg Training

Ps Andrew Hunter & myself are in Johannesburg training +20 missionaries that are going to do campus ministry, community development & youth on how to engage the greater body of the church to be a part of ministry through support.

Ministry Partnership is a biblical heritage that we see plenty of times in the bible, including in the life of Paul. In his letter to the Philippian church, he thanks them for they consistent support that enabled him to do his ministry vocationally (Philippians 4:10-20).

It’s such a privilege and joy for us as a movement and for me personally to be part of this legacy.

One goal: to see the glory of the Lord fill the earth! Habakkuk 2:14