School of Campus Ministry intensive

For the past 2 weeks Chinelle & I have had daily theology classes with other campus ministers from around Southern Africa.

This has facilitated a platform for God to minister to us and impart to us. We have such a fresh revelation of God and His love.
We're so grateful for this experience.

We right we were coming to learn but instead God ministered to us personally amd were trusting that out of that revelation & out overflow we'll take what we've been learning to our campuses.

New leaders @ Marquad

Last week was significant for the men’s cell I lead at Marquad because we prayed in new connect group leaders and also set in new portfolio leaders.

Marquad men 2

Some of the portfolio leaders are guys who will lead outreaches, intercession, evangelism, etc.Marquad men

All glory to God to see young men step up to who they are in Christ!


More than 500 high school kids came.


Christian Hip Hop artist performing


Prize givingStage


99 kids come to the altar after the message

Counsel 2Altar councellingCounsel 3


Us the volunteers

Video: Let’s Go!

A video I shot with the video team telling of how God calls us to reach the world with the gospel.

We shot it as part of the Our African Dream Conference which was held in August this year.

Planning Cultural Sunday

This year Chinelle and I have the task to pull together the events for Cultural Service happening on September 23.

This year, during the morning services we’ll be having normal cultural celebration services and in the evening there’ll be a funny stage-production. This is a mostly student-driven production and we’re very excited to be a part!

The theme is Cultural Revolution: Redeeming our Cultures for Chirst and it’s aimed at saying:

- Every culture needs to honour God,

- God has placed us within our cultures to use us as His ambassadors, and to ask

- How can we trust God to use us to bring about transformation in our cultural context?
Cultural Revolution small

Prayers needed:

Production: We have a huge crew and sets are being built for the stage so we really need God’s favour to pull it together and be ready on the 23rd
Hosting: Chinelle and I will be hosting all three services and we’re trusting to bring across the God’s heart for every culture.
Media: I’m responsible for shooting and editing videos for the production with the video team.

20120901_093514 Finalising the production script at Melina’s place.

Here’s a video I shot with the video team at last year’s Cultural Celebration:

Our guys running for House Committee

In August, most of the UCT residences had campaigns for 2013’s house committee members.

Like in politics, this involved marketing, campaigning, interrogations and eventual voting by residence members for their next leaders who will facilitate various like entertainments, maintenance, study mentors, treasury, etc

A few of the boys from Marquad campaigned and 2 made it.

What often happens is these guys get elected and when the new year starts, they get overwhelmed with balancing school, social life
and house committee responsibilities. What we’ve been encouraging the guys to do is to build teams around them who can help them. Instead of being a soloist, invite other men into their lives to walk with them and help share the load.

We’re trusting God that these guys will stand up against injustice and immorality and trust God to bring about godly leadership.

Celebrating the youth @ church

On August 19th the youth ran the whole 11AM service as part of celebrating youth. Here’s some snaps:

”Welcome to church”

Kutlwano (one of the youth leaders) does the offering message

Youth dancers

At the end of the service we had one person representing each age group or generation praying for their generation and pledging for their generation for them to play their part.

Training day: Aug 2012

This putrefy Saturday we ran a training day. We had two courses: Making Disciples & Experiencing Victory.

Great to see students rising up to equip their mates.

I had a chance to take a session at both courses and Chinelle had a session on sexual brokenness at the Experiencing Victory course.

Connect Group social: braai time

Last week's cell group at Leo Marquad was a soccer game and a braai afterwards. We had a Cooper of guys who stay there but don't attend the cell.

Fun times building relationships

Cape Town Training Kicks Off

Training Day 1

We’re excited to kick off another Ministry Partnership training with 9 missionaries from around the country.

Read & Lead

Just finished an 8 week leadership course where we looked at various leadership topics like character, vision, team building, Christ-like serving, etc.

Red n Lead 2012 sml

Most of these guys are students who play leadership role in the church and campus ministry.

Campus warriors

A snapshot from Ground Zero as students lay hands, pray for and prophecy over each other.

Ground Zero is the name of the connect group at Leo Marquad residence at UCT.

Training Day


4 young men from Humphrey’s connect group at Marquard res joined in on the Connect Group Leaders training, along with over 15 others from other residences & non-student community groups!

Equipping others to take the lead is such an adventure!  Creating a platform for them to take chances, to be launched into leadership.  We’re looking forward to the fruit from these guys lives, they have such a heart to grow in God & walk with others.

Victory Weekend!

We had over 100 students doing Victory Weekend!  I absolutely love seeing God bringing freedom to captive souls!  His redemptive work is lasting, beyond generations! 

I had the privilege of talking on freedom from sexual sin.  Afterwards, a few girls came to talk to me about what they’re facing.  Praying with them, they’d just start to cry as God brings deliverance & a fresh definition to their identity in Him.

The general, afternoon prayer session was ended with a Great Shout of Victory!  You could feel the walls coming down in the spirit!  It reminded me of when the Israelites were walking around Jericho & with a great shout, the walls came down! 



One of the girls in my cell, Tendai, posted the next morning on facebook: ‘I literally looked in the mirror and literally saw a brand a new person. I AM FREE. God's power can set you free! of any sin... Praise God!!!’

Pics from our support trip to HP Grahamstown


As the Ministry Partnership office, part of our job is to help provide support to all the churches where campus ministers and missionaries are supported through Ministry Partnership.

Jason & I spent a day with the team assisting them.


We’re ensuring there is sufficient support in place for the current staff and for future campus ministers.



We’re taking back the campus

At our March monthly prayer at UCT campus we ended it by walking around the campus praying for the faculties, the campus leaders and students and prophesying over the campus and the nations represented.


So we slipt up into smaller groups and walked towards the various faculties declaring God’s will. Below here I’m with a group that was assigned the economics, law and arts faculties.


We ended the prayer walk in the middle of the campus on the famous Jammie steps and the students started shouting “Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!”. We really believe this was a prophetic act of inviting Christ on to the campus and declaring His lordship over it.


Watch the video here:

Leading our first pre-marital counselling session

Chinelle and I have just been asked to facilitate one of the pre-marital sessions this coming Sunday.

This will be our first time doing it formally. I say this because over the last few years we’ve been blessed to have friends and couples ask us about our relationship and ask for advice.

Naturally one of the first thing we point out is that there is no formula and no two relationships are ever the same.

However, there are some principles that are universal and it’s those that we’re passionate to share as the Lord works them in our relationship.

The book we use for pre-marital counselling. Brilliant workbook!

It’s scary though, the thought of having 8 couples in a formal setting asking you all sorts of questions that can affect the way they approach their marriage. Phew, help us Lord! :) It’s by grace through faith anyway.

Trip to Grahamstown

Today Jason and I were in Grahamstown representing Ministry Partnership.

We were helping put support structures in place for the campus ministers there who are on Ministry Partnership.

Had a really good time connecting with the team and seeing what their doing there.

These are the years where we'll see hundreds of campus ministers strepping into ministry to reach Africa. We are merely laying ther foundation foyer them.

1st Regional Campus Leaders Strat. Mtg

I’ve just had a whole-day meeting with the Southern Africa campus ministries task team strategising about how we can serve the campus ministries across Africa and help facilitate better synergy between the campuses. Whoa, that was a long sentence:)

Task Team

This team was picked by al the campus leaders to act as a task team to ensure that our shared goals are executed across the board. I was there representing Ministry Partnership. This team was formed because as a movement we want to reach the tipping point in all campuses.

The tipping point describes how when you effectively reach 10% of a community, that 10% has the full potential to cause a shift in the whole community.

The end goal is to reach every single young person with he gospel, the tipping point is just a strategic aim to break the rest of the campus.

Campus Harvest

Reaching young people is critical: what the youth believe today and what they do on campus today can become legislation within 5 years! Ya, I was just as shocked when I heard that.

The rEVOLution has started!

Tonight we took up arms in prayer by walking the four corners of campus in groups (N, E, W, S). We prayed for the biblical truth to be found, taught & brought into the lives of fellow students & also the lecturers & campus staff.

We ended off by gathering on Jammie steps & as a unit, praying for the city of Cape Town, that we would be true ambassadors for Christ, that we would see the city transformed!

What an honour to walk amongst & with such young warriors in faith!

2012-03-02 20 sml


We’re gearing up for Campus Harvest 2012, a rEVOLution – & it’s starting now!

It’s based on when Jesus encountered the woman at the well.  Jesus spoke straight into her life & that was the place of Encounter with Him.  She in turn went to tell the whole town of The Man who set her free & then brought them all back to Him for their own Encounter with Him – thus the red arrow, stirring up a Love Revolution.

We want to see a generation of students who constantly bring others back to Encounter Jesus & to in turn go out to gather others to have an Encounter

Revolution image04

Eph 6 ‘19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

Supernatural Fruitfulness - 75 people saved in 1 day

This pictures shows prople who couldn't fit into the Baxter theatre ad we had a special service to conclude our month of mission.

75 people came to the altar to give their lives to God!

Church Plant - Canada

Richard & Chantelle are preparing to go to Canada at the end of 2012 to plant a church there.
Richard studied at UCT and was involved in the camps ministry there. 12 yrs later after leading in campus ministry there and youth ministry they're sensing God sending them there.
We just have no idea where God would use us 5 or even 10 yrs from now as we surrender to Him..

Liesbeeck – from closed doors to salvations!

This year, in Liesbeeck residence at UCT, the wardens had decided to not allow any religious societies embarking on missions in the res.

Ntando (middle in photo), one of the connect group leaders in Liesbeeck, decided to stand up & trust God. She went to speak to the head warden of the res to petition them to allow us to get inside to invite guys to church now while the first years are finding their feet. They agreed! Although only for one night.

Ntando n Friends

She sent out a ‘distress call’ to the rest of us, on Facebook, Twitter, email, sms, the works and a whole bunch came to help.  As a result 3 guys got saved! A few more were reconnected to God – Awesome!

Well done Ntando on taking the lead on this one! God will give us every place we set out feet!

Connect group signups

February has been our month of mission  - doing daily outreaches on the campuses. This past Sunday was incredible seeing first year students that we reached during the week getting connected to a church and to a connect group in their residence.


I manned the Leo Marquad sign-up table with the guys in this pic (the ladies representing the next door female residence Tugwell.

We’ve planted a new connect group at Marquad and so far we have 13 guys!

Campus society 2

Campus society 1