Leading our first pre-marital counselling session

Chinelle and I have just been asked to facilitate one of the pre-marital sessions this coming Sunday.

This will be our first time doing it formally. I say this because over the last few years we’ve been blessed to have friends and couples ask us about our relationship and ask for advice.

Naturally one of the first thing we point out is that there is no formula and no two relationships are ever the same.

However, there are some principles that are universal and it’s those that we’re passionate to share as the Lord works them in our relationship.

The book we use for pre-marital counselling. Brilliant workbook!

It’s scary though, the thought of having 8 couples in a formal setting asking you all sorts of questions that can affect the way they approach their marriage. Phew, help us Lord! :) It’s by grace through faith anyway.

Trip to Grahamstown

Today Jason and I were in Grahamstown representing Ministry Partnership.

We were helping put support structures in place for the campus ministers there who are on Ministry Partnership.

Had a really good time connecting with the team and seeing what their doing there.

These are the years where we'll see hundreds of campus ministers strepping into ministry to reach Africa. We are merely laying ther foundation foyer them.

1st Regional Campus Leaders Strat. Mtg

I’ve just had a whole-day meeting with the Southern Africa campus ministries task team strategising about how we can serve the campus ministries across Africa and help facilitate better synergy between the campuses. Whoa, that was a long sentence:)

Task Team

This team was picked by al the campus leaders to act as a task team to ensure that our shared goals are executed across the board. I was there representing Ministry Partnership. This team was formed because as a movement we want to reach the tipping point in all campuses.

The tipping point describes how when you effectively reach 10% of a community, that 10% has the full potential to cause a shift in the whole community.

The end goal is to reach every single young person with he gospel, the tipping point is just a strategic aim to break the rest of the campus.

Campus Harvest

Reaching young people is critical: what the youth believe today and what they do on campus today can become legislation within 5 years! Ya, I was just as shocked when I heard that.

The rEVOLution has started!

Tonight we took up arms in prayer by walking the four corners of campus in groups (N, E, W, S). We prayed for the biblical truth to be found, taught & brought into the lives of fellow students & also the lecturers & campus staff.

We ended off by gathering on Jammie steps & as a unit, praying for the city of Cape Town, that we would be true ambassadors for Christ, that we would see the city transformed!

What an honour to walk amongst & with such young warriors in faith!

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