Campus Harvest 2010 in Pictures

I don't think I knew exactly what to expect when 1500 students arrived!

I was blessed to have a friend of mine’s camera to take these shots & be the un-official Campus Harvest photographer…thanks Miemie :)

Just Arrived!


Euphoria as we get into the main tent! (i’m in the bottom left picture wearing a brown jersey with stripes)

 Just Arrived!Praise & Worship

Ps Frans Olivier welcomes everyone.


The worship was deep as we all cried out to God that we may live for Him

1500 Students b 1500 Students WorshipP1120410  

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   Pastors such as Rice Broocks (below) were there to bring  the word of the Lord.

Ps Rice Broocks is the co-founder of Every Nation ministries that His People belongs to. It’s one thing having good programs and speakers, but to sit there and hear the prophetic word of God for the campus and seeing hundreds respond to God’s call was just too amazing.

Rice Broocks 2Another key speaker was Gordon Dalbey who is like a father in the faith. His word brought such healing to many there.  IMG_2656


Many people received physical body healing after Ps Themba Malaba of the Joburg church came on stage and prayed for healing .


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God’s power was again evident when students laid hands on a man who was paralyzed waist down from a car accident, we saw him take his first steps!! We are trusting God that he’ll receive complete healing.

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Fun times

We had a variety show where guys just let rip their talents for God! From songs, dancing, hip-hop, ballet to drama to poetry it's a joy to find freedom to be oneself in the house of God.

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The theme of the camp was: A generation outrageously devoted to God. And, this was true – part of spending a weekend with students from across the continent who are passionate about God  just helps paint the picture that Campus Ministry’s reach is far beyond what we can imagine! Thousands of families represented here are being blessed by what God started or confirmed during this Holy Spirit filled encounter.



I posted more pictures on my Facebook profile here: Album 1 and Album 2

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