Welcoming new worship team members

Busy but amazing weekend!

It started on Sunday when I got to share the offering message at church for the first time!

To sum up the experience it was: scary & exciting at the same time. I’ve always revered the act of addressing the congregation. I mean not that some ministries are more special than others but different expressions carry different weight.


Then, on Monday we (worship ministry) had a social/training session welcoming all the people who joined the worship ministry for the first time.  I was asked to speak on a Lifestyle of Worship.  This meant addressing all aspects of our lives as believers that our lives themselves should be worship to God and that praise and worship at church is one aspect of worship.
Worship Minsitry 

There were also workshops on the heart of worship by Melina & William and Sharon did a workshop on presentation sharing the reasons why & the heart  behind our need to be presentable, have a code and adhere to it because of the people we minister to.

Mena & Will

Melina and William talking about the heart of worship.

We then had worship together and there was such a sense of God’s presence in the room as we prayed for the new guys and speaking into their lives and prophesying over them. Greater things are yet to come!

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